Chew on this

bagels 4

Yes, it´s that time of the month again, but there´s no pastry cream this time, I kid you not, not even puff pastry or cream puffs. Have the Daring Bakers gone completely mad, you ask, no I say, it´s just that simple was the way to go this time around, and boy are we glad about it.

Now, you must think of the word “easy” in Daring-Bakers terms of course, because what we made was bagels from scratch.


I was totally into it right from the get go because, as some of you might have realized, I´m up for anything bread-like these days, and I´ve been meaning to try making bagels for ages now.

bagels 2

The problem was that my only bagel-eating experiences were a plain bagel on a Delta plane (which, surprisingly, I loved, though then again, I don´t think the palate is truly demanding at 7am after 10 hours on a plane, I´d do anything just to be distracted for a little while… ok, you need to cleanse your mind here, not that kind of anything on a plane, at least not so far!)… where was I? Yes, bagels, well, the other bagels I had tried were supermarket blueberry bagels (shudder!). In my defense, my ex boyfriend bought them and he didn´t seem to have a very refined sense in terms of food (though he did have a wonderful taste in women, of course).

bagels 3

So needless to say, I´m not sure if I have the right parameters to judge my bagel-making efforts. I mean they were quite chewy, but apparently they are supposed to be like that, and the toppings were nice, and they took like 3 hours to make overall, which is like nothing.

I did a bunch of different toppings: black sesame seeds, regular sesame seeds, poppy seeds, parmesan cheese, parmesan cheese with a taco mix, parmesan cheese with garlic flakes (do you see a trend here?), sea salt, and mixes of the previous toppings. My favorites were the sesame seed and, surprise surprise, the parmesan-taco bagels.

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As you can see in this picture, when I tried the “snake” method of bagel-making, it didn´t work all too well. But as I always tell myself when things come out funny-looking, they are “rustic” bagels… yeah, right!

As for the veredict, I don´t have a clear one… I liked the bagels, but I think they were a bit bready, though I think I´ll just have to go to New York, try the real deal and then compare. I know, my life is full of sacrifices.

bagels 5

For the recipe, click here. And remember to check out the other Daring Bakers creations in the Link Madness page above.


Filed under bread, Daring bakers, savory

31 responses to “Chew on this

  1. Fantastic Marce!
    No easy is not the word I would apply here but they were a change of pace.
    Hooray for Bagel goodness.
    I’ll be delighted to meet you in NYC!!

  2. meetaa

    Yeah! Marce, congrats on a challenge well done. You did a great job and all those toppings look great!

  3. Great choice of toppings!

  4. Congrats Marce, well done. Since you ask…i’ll sacrifice myself and go with you all and taste the real thing in NYC.

  5. Anne

    I’m impressed… with so many choices to choose from…well done!

  6. When you come to Seattle…I’ll take you to the BEST bagel shop! Believe it or not, it’s right in the heart of suburbia, run by a Chinese family…but I swear, they make the most delicious bagels. Mmm…poppyseed with a schmear of strawberry cream cheese…I’m so there!

  7. They look marvelous! I can’t decide which one to eat first–so I guess I’ll take them all! 🙂

  8. KJ

    You are so much more adventurous than me. So many toppings. Your bagels look great. I would love to try them all.

  9. They look great, I like the seeds you have used!

  10. I think you bagels look fantastic. Mine came out “rustic” looking too. I love all your choices in toppings, especially the parmesan and taco mix ones. Great ideas!

  11. Marce, I would never have thought of the parmeasan and taco seasoning combo. How wonderful it that! I am going to try that on my next batch of bagels I make. Fantastic job!!

  12. Marce, they look delicious!
    I had a laugh with the ex-boyfriend story – men are funny sometimes. 😉

    And the parmesan topping drove me nuts – I want to make bagels again and I will use that!

  13. Okay I haven’t even read the post yet – or looked at the pictures.. but I had to come down to comments FIRST just to tell you that you made me LAUGH OUT LOUD at the title of your post! HAHAHAHA!!

    Okay going back now to read it. 😛


    PS – I’m hoping there are some Phoebe pictures up there somewhere in between bagels.. cuz it’s been a while. *hint* *hint*


  14. Excellent post! I love your toppings – they sound and look fabulous! You got nice big round & plump bagels too.. way to go!

    Uhh.. I didn’t see Phoebe though. 😛

    Beautiful job, sweetie!


    PS – And I agree that your ex has wonderful taste in women. 😉

  15. oooh…I love your toppings Marce! You did a great job , girl!

  16. Some of those photos looked like you could just pluck them off the screen! Sadly for me you can’t.

  17. Great job Marce – I love all of your varied toppings! Your bagels look like perfect – congrats!

  18. May I come over and enjoy one of these with you and Phoebe? Great job on another challenge!!

  19. “Rustic” is good but “artisan” would sound even better. Nice job Marce!

  20. That’s a beautiful array of toppings. THe snake style of shaping the bagels did give them a bit more personality. Great bagels!

  21. Great job on your bagels! I agree with Mary, artisan bagels sound like you could sell them for big bucks 🙂

  22. I think the word ‘rustic’ has saved many projects from being labelled ugly! Well done.

  23. I forgot what I was going to say reading all these comments.. Rustic, real artisan bagels! Great toppings and I agree with Lisa – more Phoebe pics please.

  24. Fantastic job! I love all the different toppings that you used!

  25. Rustic bagels taste great too!
    Good work Daring Baker!

  26. Great job! I love all your topping choices.

  27. Hi Marcela, it was great meeting you yesterday. Saludos!

  28. Marce, your bagels look fab! I love all your toppings and the different colours make them so inviting 🙂 Well done.

  29. Amy

    All the toppings look delicious! Fantastic job!

  30. Nice bagels. I’m not a fan (why waste the middle bit?), but i like the different toppings.

  31. Oh yes the Parmesan cheese… I tried that too and loved them. I am going to make a half batch of mostly cheese bagels tomorrow.

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